Quick & Easy Fluffy Pancake Recipe
20min Preparation - Serves 1
Almond Flour Pancakes with Blueberries,
Honey & Cream
- 4 tbsp @nu3_fr almond flour (30g)
- 2 tbsp oats (15g)
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 3 tbsp applesauce (50g)
- 2 eggs
- 1/3 cup @alpro soy milk (80ml)
Mix all the ingredients together with a whisk then cook on low heat with coconut oil. Top with greek yogurt, blueberries, honey, cacao nibs, granola and coconut powder.
Quick tips: make sure the batter is not too liquid otherwise the pancakes will turn out flat and not very fluffy. Also, be sure to cook on a relatively low-heat and be quite gentle when flipping them.