Brand discounts
You will find below a few brands that I have tried myself and approve entirely, as well as some discount codes. If you want more information about their products, feel free to drop me a message!
NU3 - 15% OFF
The brand sells a wide range of wellness products, from nut butters to proteins powders but also baking ingredients as almond/coconut flour
Code: "Wernou15"
This American business offers some of my favorite snack lines of all: chocolate coated bars, crispy rice bars, pop corn... Totally recommend
Code: "Wernou"
Here are 3 other brands you might want to order from Online:
Natural Mojo (15% Off): "Werner15"
Koro (5% Off): "Werner"
Naturalia Magasins BIO (15% Off): "WERNOU" until November 15th
In the future, I'll try to make product/brand reviews so that you get a better insight of what I like to consume and recommend. Hope this helps!